Who propounded’ the theory of “Natural selection” ?

Who propounded’ the theory of “Natural selection” ?

Who propounded’ the theory of “Natural selection” ?
(1) Erasmus Darwin (1731 to 1802)
(2) Lamark (1744 to 1829)
(3) Charls Darwin (1809 to 1882)
(4) De Vries (1848 to 1935)

Ans – (3) Charls Darwin (1809 to 1882)

Sol. The correct answer is:
(3) Charles Darwin (1809 to 1882)

Charles Darwin, along with Alfred Russel Wallace, independently proposed the theory of natural selection as the mechanism for evolution in the 19th century. Darwin elaborated on this theory in his seminal work, On the Origin of Species (1859).


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